Type 1 Diabetes Travel Hacks- Tips for a Stress-Free Journey in 2024

Planning a trip with type 1 diabetes doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, I cover lots of helpful hacks and tips to help you plan for a worry-free travel experience.

images of traveling and type 1 medical supplies

Travelling is an experience like no other, exploring new destinations, immersing yourself in different cultures, and creating unforgettable memories. But if you are living with type 1 diabetes, it can bring its own unique set of challenges.

These challenges may seem overwhelming, but as the mother of a teenager living with type 1 diabetes, I can confidently say that her diagnosis hasn’t limited our adventures. Over the past four years, we’ve walked miles exploring bustling European cities, traversed the snow-capped mountains of the Alps, and even trekked through the lush rainforests of Borneo. Sure, there have been moments of worry and unexpected detours, but with careful planning and a few key essentials in our travel arsenal, we’ve created some incredible memories as a family.

For me, it has been about a mindset shift. It’s about embracing the adventure,  problem-solving with a smile (but often a grimace!), and most importantly, having the confidence in yourself that you can manage diabetes effectively, no matter where you are in the world.

This guide is for all the parents who might be hesitant to travel with their type 1 kid. It’s for type 1 teenagers who dream of exploring new horizons but might be worried about their diabetes getting in the way. Or it offers some helpful tips From pre-travel preparations to essential travel kit for all you well-seasoned type 1 travellers out there. Trust me, with a little planning the right mindset and kit, you can still enjoy the most amazing adventures!

a selection of photos taken on our adventures

Understanding Type 1 Diabetes and Travel

Travelling with type 1 diabetes is one of many firsts and hurdles that are all part of the journey with a diabetes diagnosis. However daunting it may seem, once that first is out of the way you will realise that travel is just another adjustment that you need to be prepared for.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable trip, it’s essential to plan ahead and educate yourself about the intricacies of type 1 diabetes management while travelling.

There are certain factors that can impact blood sugar levels differently, compared to your usual routine. These factors range from:

Time Zone Changes

Changes in physical activity levels

Different Environments – temperature and altitude


Different foods and the ability to carb count accurately

Being aware of these potential influences will help you anticipate and manage any fluctuations in your blood sugar levels.

Planning Ahead

As with every aspect of diabetes management, planning ahead can help you have a more enjoyable and stress-free time. Planning is key to a smooth journey. It helps you adjust your insulin routine for a new time zone and activity levels, research unfamiliar food options for accurate carb counting, and pack enough supplies to avoid any mid-trip scrambling. By planning ahead, you’ll be prepared for potential challenges, reduce travel stress (which can impact blood sugar!), and gain the confidence to enjoy your adventures fully.

planning a trip with a notebook, pens and map

Here is my checklist of things that I like to research and plan for:

1. Plan for Emergencies

OK, so this isn’t the way anyone wants to think about their holidays. But, trust me., if you research and walk through any possible eventualities, you will create your own emergency plan which helps to lift some of the worry and potentially feel a bit more prepared.

Start by researching medical facilities and healthcare providers available at your destination, including their contact information and addresses. Perhaps you have a doctor on site at the hotel or it’s only a short car journey to the nearest pharmacy or hospital. If you require medical assistance or have an emergency and need to refill your supplies, this way you’ll know where to go.

Additionally, know the local emergency services numbers for that country in case of an emergency.

The Foreign travel advice page on the gov.uk website is very helpful and full of information to help you research your destination.

2. Travel and Health Insurance

Make sure any existing policies or new policies for travel insurance will cover a pre-existing medical condition, including type 1 diabetes-related emergencies. While it may seem like an additional expense, having that insurance just in case can provide peace of mind knowing that you’ll have financial protection whilst travelling.

If you are living in the UK, I would also recommend applying for a The UK Global Health Insurance Card ( GHIC ). This card lets you get state healthcare in Europe at a reduced cost or sometimes for free. This card covers emergency and non-emergency treatment in Europe for pre-existing medical conditions

3. Diabetes Identification

Suppose you aren’t already routinely wearing some form of medical identification or have something in your wallet or bag. In that case, I highly recommend you get some form of medical identification for your travels.

These identification tools can alert others about your condition in case of emergencies, ensuring that you receive the appropriate medical attention promptly. Include essential information on the card or a medical ID bracelet, such as your name, contact information, emergency contact information, type of diabetes, and any allergies or medications you take.

We love the medical alert products from Diabitys. They have lovely bracelets, watch straps and necklaces if you are looking for something a little more attractive to wear.

We also bought our customised Medical Alert Card here

I would also recommend printing off a Medical Device Awareness Card if you are wearing any devices to help you through airport security.

4. Check your Supplies

Before you set off on any journey, make sure you have an ample supply of all your diabetes kit and any other medicines. Double-check that you have enough:

  • Insulin – plus extra insulin and then some more insulin
  • Test strips and Lancets
  • Continuous glucose monitor (CGM), if using
  • Adhesives for keeping everything stuck on
  • Pump supplies, if using
  • Fast-acting carbs
  • Any other necessary medications.

But also make sure that you have spares. I always carry extra supplies and backups just in case of unexpected delays or losses.

Read my packing essentials below and my article on the 6 must-have essentials for travelling with diabetes.

5. Airline and Travel Companies Policies

Notify the airline, train, ferry or travel company that you are travelling with Type 1 Diabetes and medical supplies. Take a little time to understand their policies for travelling with medical supplies and Type 1 Diabetes.

We have found that policies and procedures vary widely depending on how and who we are travelling with. So I always make sure to notify them regardless. For example, different airlines have different requirements and want forms completed before check-in. Some companies like to know travel emergency information in advance and a list of what you will be carrying on board.

This is also the perfect opportunity to prearrange food for any long-haul travel or arrange special meals

6. Medical Letter

Make sure that you always have a copy (or 2) of a letter from your Type 1 Diabetes team or healthcare provider outlining your condition and required treatments with you when you travel. This letter is helpful for:

Smooth Sailing Through Security: During security checkpoints, airport security personnel might need to inspect your diabetes supplies. A doctor’s letter explains your condition, the medical necessity of your supplies (insulin, syringes, test strips etc.), and potentially the specific medications and dosages you require. This avoids unnecessary delays or confusion.

Peace of Mind in Case of Emergencies: While hopefully not needed, a medical letter can be invaluable in case of unexpected medical situations abroad. It clearly communicates your pre-existing condition, medications, and potential needs to foreign healthcare professionals who may not be familiar with your medical history.

Refilling Supplies: Depending on the length of your trip or in case of emergencies, you might need to refill your diabetes supplies during your travels. A doctor’s letter can be helpful when explaining your needs to pharmacies or healthcare providers at your destination.

7. Talk to your Diabetes Team

If you have any questions about travel or medical supplies, then run through everything with your Diabetes team. They can provide valuable advice and recommendations specific to your health needs. They may suggest adjustments to your basal insulin to accommodate the environmental change or ways to manage if you are switching between insulin delivery methods.

Top Tip for Insulin Pump Users

You may choose to continue with your pump delivery system whilst travelling or move to insulin pens or even a mixture of both. Regardless I would highly recommend keeping a paper or electronic copy of all of your pump settings that are easily accessible.

This will ensure that you have all your carb, correction and basal ratios easily accessible and ready to use when you need them.

By taking the time to prepare, you can minimise any potential disruptions that may occur during your travels. It will help you to better manage your type 1 diabetes whilst away.

Packing Essentials

This is the part I check, recheck and triple-check! When you’re away from home it is vital to have everything possible with you for those just-in-case moments. Again it requires some extra planning to ensure a smooth journey. Packing the right essentials, plus spares and extra is key to keeping your blood sugar in check and avoiding any mishaps.

I have created a handy diabetes management travel checklist which lists all of the essential kit items to pack, by insulin delivery devices, which you can download below:

Diabetes Kit Travel Bag

To Keep all your diabetes supplies together, I recommend a sturdy, waterproof and insulated bag to help protect your supplies from damage or extreme temperatures. I would also always carry this bag as hand luggage if you are flying.

Benefits of a Diabetes Kit Travel Bag:

  • Organisation: A dedicated travel bag keeps all your diabetes supplies neatly organized in one place. This saves you time and frustration searching for what you need, especially when on the go or dealing with low blood sugar.
  • Compartments and Insulation: Many travel bags come with compartments specifically designed for different supplies. Some even offer insulated sections to help maintain the temperature of your insulin.
  • Durability and Portability: Travel bags are typically made from durable materials that can withstand the wear and tear of travel. They’re also designed for portability, often featuring straps or handles for easy carrying.
  • Discreetness: Travel bags come in various styles and sizes, allowing you to choose one that suits your needs and preferences. Some offer a more discreet design, allowing you to manage your diabetes with privacy.

What to Look for in a Diabetes Kit Travel Bag:

  • Size and Capacity: Choose a bag that can comfortably accommodate all your diabetes essentials without being bulky or cumbersome.
  • Compartments and Organization: Look for a bag with different compartments to separate your insulin, testing supplies, fast-acting carbs, and other essentials.
  • Insulation: If you’re travelling to a hot climate, consider an insulated bag with insulated compartments for your insulin.
  • Durability: Opt for a bag made from water-resistant and durable materials.
  • Portability: Choose a bag with a comfortable carrying handle or strap for easy transport.
grey hand luggage diabetes kit bag

After a lot of research, I chose to buy a baby-changing bag. Not only does it have insulted pockets which are great for helping to keep insulin cool, but there is plenty of storage and compartments, it’s a great size carry-on bag and it’s pretty comfortable to carry. I just left the included baby changing mat at home!

My Other Essential Items for travelling with Diabetes

As I mentioned earlier I have 6 other essential items that I always include as part of our diabetes kit. Read my article to find out what they are and why they have made such a difference in our travelling experiences.

picture of a map with a title of 6 essentials travelling with diabetes checklist for 2024

6 Essentials for Travelling with Diabetes

This travelling with diabetes checklist built on real-life adventures equips you with the 6 must haves for happy adventures in 2024!

Keeping your Insulin cool

This is quite possibly the most important aspect of travel with type 1 diabetes. Proper storage is crucial to maintain the effectiveness of the insulin. Here are some guidelines for proper insulin storage:

  1. Temperature control – Insulin should be stored in a cool place between 36°F to 46°F (2°C to 8°C). Avoid extreme temperatures, such as freezing or exposing it to direct sunlight, heat sources, or excessive humidity.
  2. Refrigeration – Most types of insulin can be stored in the refrigerator without compromising their effectiveness. However, do not freeze them or store them near the freezer’s cooling element.
  3. Room temperature storage – Some types of insulin can be kept at room temperature (between 59°F and 86°F/15°C and 30°C) for up to one month without losing potency. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for specific details about your insulin product.
  4. Avoid extremes – Do not expose insulin to extreme temperatures like leaving it inside a hot car during summer months or placing it next to ice packs that could freeze it.

Two products that we couldn’t be without when we travel are our Frio bags and a portable insulin cooler. Both these products give us peace of mind that our insulin will always be:

  • Stored at the right temperature even when we don’t always have access to a fridge
  • Protected from breakages

Go to my shop for direct links and a discount on these products.

Snacks and Glucose Tablets

I am sure this goes without saying but always make sure you have plenty of snacks and glucose to help you manage blood sugar levels on a travel day.  We got caught short on a flight when our plane got diverted 3 times, so now I always overpack for every eventuality!

Unforeseen delays in meal times often occur when you are travelling, so it’s really important to have quick and accessible sources of food. Make sure to pack snacks that are both convenient and nutritious, such as oat or granola bars. These can provide a steady source of energy and help stabilise your blood glucose levels. We try to avoid sugary or processed snacks as they can cause rapid blood sugar spikes and dips.

Additionally, stay hydrated to help manage stable blood sugar levels. Drink plenty of water throughout your journey, as dehydration can affect your body’s ability to properly utilise insulin. Again avoid sugary beverages and opt for water or unsweetened drinks whenever possible.

Type 1 Diabetes Travel Tips

To reiterate one last time. Don’t let diabetes hold you back from experiencing new adventures and making lifelong memories. Embrace the opportunity to explore the world, knowing that you have the power and confidence to stay in control of your health.

Remember that life with diabetes is so much more than just managing your condition – it’s about fully embracing the adventure and making the most of every opportunity.

By following the tips and guidelines laid out in this guide, you can confidently embark on your travels with type 1 diabetes. Remember to plan ahead, take necessary precautions, and prioritise your health while exploring the world. With proper preparation and a positive mindset, you can navigate any challenges that come your way.

Other Resources on Type 1 Diabetes Travel

Diabetes UK – Travelling with Diabetes

NHS – Type1 Diabetes and Travel

Diabetes.co.uk – Travel and Diabetes

JDRF – Travelling with Type 1 Diabetes

Michelle Rorke avatar


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I’m on a mission to prove how tasty managing diabetes can be with plenty of healthy eating tips and delicious recipes. Enjoy effortless, flavorful meals that support your health.


infographic of the 4 signs of type 1